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delco csp volunteerism duane neuman
delco csp committee volunteers in the library

Volunteer Opportunities: If you are interested in attending our meeting, participating or volunteering, please contact us for more information and the monthly meeting Zoom Link: 

Email Address:, Phone: 484.222.0719



a volunteer profile photo

David Speers


Delco csp treasurer marc persson

Marc Persson


Donald O'Brien Delco CSP Cochair

Donald O'Brien


a volunteer profile photo

Duane Neuman


a volunteer profile photo

Eric Ayers


a volunteer profile photo

Mary Lisa Kostaneski

Minute Taker


Executive Committee Yearly Elections Description

The third Monday in June new yearly elections will be held for positions within our Delaware County CSP meetings. The responsibilities of each position are listed below. Each position is to be held by a regularly attending participant of the meeting. 


Part 1 - Nominations for the Delaware County CSP Board

Nominations to the board may be made from the floor at the time of election. However, nominations will be requested verbally and electronically one month prior to the election date (Third Monday in May). Members can volunteer to serve on the board. A nominating committee may also be formed, at the discretion of DELCO CSP members. It is encouraged, but not mandated that there be more than one candidate for each vacancy. â€‹


Part 2 – Elections of the Board

A. The board shall consist of up to three co-chairs, a secretary and treasurer. Whenever possible, the three constituencies (individual, family members, and mental health professionals) will each be represented on the board. If equal representation is not possible at a given time, all efforts will be made to recruit members of each constituency willing to serve on the board.

B. In the event, one of the co-chairs cannot attend any meeting of the board, one of the other co-chairs in attendance shall serve as chair for that meeting.


Part 3 - Qualifications to Serve on the Delaware County CSP Board:                                                      

A. Familiarity with the DELCO CSP and CSP Recovery Principles.
B. Interest in Serving.
C. Ability to fulfill time requirements.
D. Regular monthly attendance at Delaware County CSP meetings.

E. Previous Leadership Experience, Training, Knowledge (if possible).

F. Any other qualifications deemed important by DELCO CSP.

G. Must have no conflict of interests as determined by the DELCO CSP.

H. Access to and knowledge of current computer and/or communication technology.


Part 4 - Delaware County CSP Method of Elections
A. Elections shall be held annually in June at a meeting specified for that purpose.
B. To be eligible for election to the board, a nominee must understand responsibilities of the position as described in these protocols and defined in the position job descriptions.
C. In order to vote, a member must be present at the election meeting.
D. In order to be elected, a nominee must be present at the election meetings and must receive a majority vote of the members present and voting.


Part 5 - DELCO CSP Terms of Office
A. Board members shall be elected to serve for a period of one year.
B. Board members shall serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same office unless this rule is waived by consensus or majority vote of the Committee members.
C. After an interval of one year, a member may again be eligible for election to their prior office.

Executive Committee Positions Title and Responsibility Descriptions

3 Co-Chairs


We elect three co-chairs so that the meeting responsibility can be rotated each month.

• Ultimately the co-chair is responsible for making sure that all business is discussed in line with the timed agenda.
• Co-chairs develop the agenda to ensure the meeting achieves it goals.
• Co-chairs keep the meeting focused and encourage participation from all members.
• Co-chairs support the members by assisting the meeting in staying on task.
• Each individual Co-chair will work in connection and collaboration with either the DELCO CSP Treasurer, Secretary or Minute Taker.


The CSP treasurer’s role is to ensure the Disbursement Procedures are followed and communication between DELCO CSP and the DELCO CSP Fiduciary is open and maintained throughout the year.


Treasurer Responsibilities
• The Treasurer reports to the members of the committee on the DELCO CSP Budget and available finances.
• The Treasure will interact with the members attending monthly meetings and through communication with the DELCO CSP Fiduciary.
• Responsible for contacting and distributing expense checks to vendors for events on behalf of the County Fiduciary.
• All requests for disbursements have been listed on the annual CSP budget and were approved by a majority vote at a CSP
Committee Meeting.
• The Disbursement Request Form is thoroughly completed and given to the DELCO CSP Fiduciary Office Manager on the Thursday prior to the bi-weekly disbursement date. (Reimbursement of an immediate nature may be accommodated if warranted.)
• Vendors are identified and invoices from those vendors are received for all disbursements either prior to or after the event.
• An original invoice/receipt is attached to the Request Form. Any receipts provided after the disbursement will be forwarded to the DELCO CSP Fiduciary Office Manager. All receipts and invoices sent to the CSP Fiduiary must be original receipts/invoices – not copies.
• A copy of the CSP minutes showing the majority vote for the disbursement is attached to the disbursement form. (If the cost is a recurring cost, like the monthly food for meetings, only the initial minutes when approved are needed.)
• The monthly DELCO CSP financial report is understood and presented at the Monthly DELCO CSP Meeting.
• He/she is working as a team member with the DELCO CSP Committee around budget issues.
• Contact is maintained with the CSP Fiduciary Office Manager. 



• Copies and distributes prior month’s minutes to all participants and ensures that a copy is held in a file for anyone’s review.
• Distributes attendance sheets at meetings and maintains a copy for ongoing records.
• Secretary types, copies and distributes agenda via email prior to and at the DELCO CSP Meeting. 


Minute Taker

Takes notes to accurately reflect decisions and discussions that took place at the meeting.
• Forwards formatted minutes to Secretary within one week of the last CSP Meeting held. 

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